Referral partners:
Muskegon, Oceana, Mason, and Newaygo Counties Parole Boards and Probation Offices
The EXIT program provides men returning to their community after incarceration at the Muskegon County Jail with intense job and life skills training, education, and work experience. In partnership with other community organizations, this alternative sentencing option provides participants with case management, mentoring, and occupational training. The program is designed to help participants be involved in their community in more positive ways, reducing the likelihood of future criminal activity.
Referral partners:
Muskegon County Probation Office
Services provided at the EXIT Center and Goodwill’s Retail Operations Center.
Offender Success is a statewide program implemented by the Michigan Department of Corrections that fosters change and success for those in prison, as well as those on parole or probation. Program participants receive collaborative, wrap-round support services that builds a foundation for successful transition back to communities and the workforce.
Referral partners:
Michigan Department of Corrections Parole Board and Probation
Services provided at the Goodwill Career Center.